Corporate Governance
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Shareholders’ Rights

The company is well aware of the importance of shareholders’ rights to ensure their ultimate interests and has therefore provided transparent reports in alignment with good corporate governance.

The company holds an annual general meeting of shareholders within the 4 months from the end of the company’s accounting period. Meeting invitations, along with accompanying documents of each agenda item as well as meeting participation guidelines and methods, will be distributed to shareholders for their acknowledgement at least 7 days prior to the meeting date. The meeting minutes will be disclosed within 14 days from the meeting date.

In each AGM, the company will notify shareholders of the voting procedure for their acknowledgement. Moreover, Chairman of the Meeting will also allow shareholders to present their questions and opinions on agenda items. For each agenda, directors’ comments and the meeting minutes shall be correctly recorded and available for shareholders to access.

Shareholders’ Equity

The company recognizes the importance of and respects shareholders’ equity, with each shareholder’s best interests at heart as well as their equity as per laws and regulations of The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). Minority shareholders could propose or add meeting agenda items and nominate candidates for the company’s directors in advance of the meeting date. Shareholders who could not attend the meeting themselves could also appoint a proxy for meeting attendance and voting on their behalf.

Regarding prevention measures against insider trading for wrongful pursuit of benefits of oneself or others, the company has responsible oversight committees for stringent implementation, especially in case of items with conflict of interests. It has also established approval policy and procedures for items of related party transactions to which all parties shall adhere.

Stakeholders’ Roles

The company is aware of the rights of all stakeholders, be it internal stakeholders such as employees and executives or the company and subsidiaries or external ones such as the community, government officials and relevant agencies. The company adheres to laws and regulations to protect the rights of the mentioned stakeholders and ensure proper, correct, and fair treatment. Therefore, the company has established ESR policies, with adherence to regulations of relevant agencies such as Ministry of Industry, Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand, etc. Consequently, the company’s industrial estate was certified with ISO 14001 V1996 and ISO 9001 V2000.

Data Disclosure and Transparency

The Board of Directors places importance on accurate, transparent, and thorough disclosure of information, including financial and general reports as well as key information pertinent to the company’s asset value. The company has a team for investor relations and communication as required by SEC and SET, with established channels for distribution. The Board of Directors also ensures Management’s actions regarding complete and accurate data disclosure in a credible and timely fashion. The data disclosure procedure is also subject to regular assessment in order to ensure efficiency. Moreover, the company also discloses the Board’s roles and responsibilities as well as their meeting attendance and compensation of directors and executives in the company’s annual report.

The Board’s Responsibilities

The Board shall be equipped with leadership, vision, and independence in terms of decision making and consideration of matters for ultimate interests of the company and shareholders.
Every matter approved by the Board becomes key policies to which all executives and employees shall adhere.

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